Monday, May 10, 2010

This is your president speaking

As most of you know Sam' is leaving Project Pride as an official member at the end of this quarter. However she is not leaving us for good, as she plans to be there to support the club as an alumni.

With that said, don't forget that we hare showing a movie on Friday, May 21st at 1pm in the game room. We will be showing Boys Don't Cry.

We have updates on the Pride Parade. We will be marching this year with the company of Mimi Harvey. Don't forget to come on May 28th to help Sam' make some awesome signs and banners. We will be marching on June 27th. More details on that to come.

Our Over The Rainbow Graduation Party is coming up and we need games and performers. This is going to be our biggest on campus event we host this year so spread the word and bring some friends. We will be selling Pizza and cookies to generate some money for the Pride Parade.

The sun's out, the rain's gone, the rainbow is coming.
